Rank: User
Joined: Aug 22nd 2014, 18:22
Last Login: on 11/5/15
Popularity: 2 (Cupcake)



Ingame Nickname (IGN)

Title Rating
Spellsinger OP Last update on 13/5/15 2689 0
dps pve pvp shadowplay songcraft sorcery
Spellsinger OP Last update on 13/5/15 2763 0
dps pve pvp shadowplay songcraft sorcery
Primeval 101 Last update on 13/5/15 2784 0
archery auramancy dps pve pvp shadowplay
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kalr123 commented the Build Tough as Nails at on 10/9/14
kalr123 commented the Build 죽음 Death Priest - I Kick Ass For The Lord! at on 6/9/14
kalr123 commented the Build Revenant Best Aoe CC Front Line Puller Large PVP at on 6/9/14
kalr123 commented the Build [LEVEL 55] --{ Daggerspell }-- GOD MODE 1v1/2/3 at on 3/9/14
kalr123 commented the Build The Lord of the wizards | Revenant at on 2/9/14
kalr123 commented the Build manolis at on 1/9/14
kalr123 commented the Build [GUIDE] Fighter - SURVIVE AND KILL - PvP/PvE at on 29/8/14
kalr123 commented the Build Abolisher lvl50 without Shield at on 28/8/14
kalr123 commented the Build Skullknight at on 27/8/14
kalr123 commented the Build Crusdar at on 26/8/14
kalr123 commented the Build Hex Warden at on 26/8/14
kalr123 commented the Build Arcanist - King of the PVP at on 26/8/14
kalr123 commented the Build BEST DPS EU(1V2 KICK THEIR ASSES BUILD) at on 25/8/14
kalr123 commented the Build Best DPS+Heal EU!!(Berk Build) at on 25/8/14
kalr123 commented the Build Skullknight at on 25/8/14
kalr123 liked the build Skullknight at on 25/8/14