Rank: User
Joined: Sep 30th 2014, 17:51
Last Login: on 3/10/14
Popularity: 0 (Cupcake)


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spellsong Last update on 3/10/14 2813 0
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tgfr commented the Build Prime veal at on 3/10/14
tgfr commented the Build Paladin, The Immortal Warrior. at on 3/10/14
tgfr commented the Build Blade Dancer The Beauty of War at on 1/10/14
tgfr commented the Build ClericBard (Buffer/Healer) UPDATED at on 1/10/14
tgfr commented the Build [PvP] Primeval (Open World PvP) at on 30/9/14
tgfr commented the Build Paladin, The Immortal Warrior. at on 30/9/14
tgfr commented the Build ClericBard (Buffer/Healer) UPDATED at on 30/9/14
tgfr commented the Build [LEVEL 55] --{ Daggerspell }-- GOD MODE 1v1/2/3 at on 30/9/14
tgfr disliked the build ClericBard (Buffer/Healer) UPDATED at on 1/10/14