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Joined: Feb 13th 2015, 17:59
Last Login: on 23/2/15
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Master 55 Shadowblade Last update on 23/2/15 3848 1
battlerage dps pve pvp shadowplay witchcraft
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Archthious commented the Build Ragebreaker PvP[LvL55] v1.3 at on 23/2/15
Archthious commented the Build Singer at on 23/2/15
Archthious commented the Build [GUIDE] Paladin - The Lawbringer PvP Build at on 23/2/15
Archthious commented the Build Trickster at on 23/2/15
Archthious commented the Build Derek's Build at on 23/2/15
Archthious commented the Build BattleMage PvP(Explains Lv.50 area and PvM & Gear) at on 23/2/15
Archthious commented the Build Tomb Warden duel 50 at on 23/2/15
Archthious commented the Build primeval pvp at on 23/2/15
Archthious commented the Build Templar PVP at on 23/2/15
Archthious commented the Build Demonologist DPS/PVP at on 23/2/15
Archthious commented the Build Darkrunner 2 at on 23/2/15
Archthious commented the Build Primeval ( PvP Build ) at on 23/2/15
KurodaAkira commented the Build Master 55 Shadowblade at on 24/2/15
Archthious disliked the build Demonologist DPS/PVP at on 23/2/15