Rank: User
Joined: Oct 20th 2013, 16:41
Last Login: on 27/9/15
Popularity: 2 (Cupcake)



Ingame Nickname (IGN)


Twitch Channel

Title Rating
Team's guide to SORCERY Last update on 17/12/14 6752 2
dps moon knight pve pvp
Stomp the yard. Last update on 16/12/14 19195 12
colossus dps pve pvp
I'm Unstoppable Last update on 5/11/14 3761 0
dps juggernaut pve pvp
I'm so furry Last update on 7/9/14 1569 0
dps leveling rocket raccoon
Ms. Spamalot Last update on 7/9/14 2104 0
black widow dps leveling
I need a beer Last update on 25/7/14 2072 0
dps leveling pve pvp wolverine
Can a blind man see? Last update on 24/7/14 3072 2
dare devil dps leveling pve pvp
To taunt or not to taunt that is the question Last update on 24/7/14 2641 0
dps hawkeye leveling pve pvp
Tame the chain Last update on 24/7/14 3324 0
dps ghost rider leveling pve pvp
Teams guide to panthro... Last update on 24/7/14 2085 0
black panther dps leveling pve pvp
Petals of death Last update on 24/7/14 3724 0
dps leveling psylocke pve pvp
Why is it so hot in here? Last update on 24/7/14 3872 0
dps human torch leveling pve pvp
Grand slam breakfest Last update on 24/7/14 4895 0
dps gambit leveling pve pvp
Ever dance with the devil in the pale moonlight? Last update on 24/7/14 4154 0
doctor strange dps leveling pve pvp
Watch me stretch. Last update on 16/7/14 1720 0
dps leveling mr fantastic pve pvp
Can you smell the bamf? Last update on 11/7/14 13036 0
dps leveling nightcrawler pve pvp
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Weazl commented the Build Can a blind man see? at on 11/9/14
Nozomiko commented the Build Stomp the yard. at on 3/9/14
gRrYnN commented the Build Stomp the yard. at on 24/7/14
gRrYnN commented the Build Stomp the yard. at on 24/7/14
gRrYnN commented the Build Stomp the yard. at on 24/7/14
mou4 commented the Build Stomp the yard. at on 23/8/14
Akobaye commented the Build Stomp the yard. at on 10/4/14
Akobaye commented the Build Stomp the yard. at on 9/4/14
DefconSeven commented the Build Team's guide to SORCERY at on 30/3/14
Teamcool commented the Build Stomp the yard. at on 3/9/14
Teamcool commented the Build Can a blind man see? at on 12/9/14
Teamcool commented the User Wall Teamcool at on 24/8/14
Teamcool commented the Build Stomp the yard. at on 23/8/14
Teamcool commented the Build Stomp the yard. at on 24/7/14
Teamcool liked the build Tame the chain at on 21/12/13