Rank: User
Joined: Sep 24th 2014, 06:51
Last Login: on 26/4/16
Popularity: 39 (Veteran)



Ingame Nickname (IGN)

Title Rating
ClericBard (Buffer/Healer) UPDATED Last update on 26/4/16 114727 30
auramancy healer pve pvp songcraft vitalism
Lamentor Last update on 11/11/14 2734 0
dps pve pvp songcraft sorcery witchcraft
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rektt commented the Build ClericBard (Buffer/Healer) UPDATED at on 14/12/14
rektt commented the Build ClericBard (Buffer/Healer) UPDATED at on 11/12/14
rektt commented the Build ClericBard (Buffer/Healer) UPDATED at on 11/12/14
Arshe commented the Build ClericBard (Buffer/Healer) UPDATED at on 26/11/14
Vext commented the Build ClericBard (Buffer/Healer) UPDATED at on 4/12/14
Allassaya commented the Build ClericBard (Buffer/Healer) UPDATED at on 9/10/14
Locuraesp commented the Build ClericBard (Buffer/Healer) UPDATED at on 5/10/14
Violette commented the Build ClericBard (Buffer/Healer) UPDATED at on 11/10/14
Miguellite commented the Build ClericBard (Buffer/Healer) UPDATED at on 1/10/14
tgfr commented the Build ClericBard (Buffer/Healer) UPDATED at on 1/10/14
tgfr commented the Build ClericBard (Buffer/Healer) UPDATED at on 30/9/14
Rockyz commented the Build ClericBard (Buffer/Healer) UPDATED at on 2/10/14
Rockyz commented the Build ClericBard (Buffer/Healer) UPDATED at on 29/9/14
llraphahll commented the Build ClericBard (Buffer/Healer) UPDATED at on 27/9/14
vauques commented the Build ClericBard (Buffer/Healer) UPDATED at on 25/9/14
Vathal liked the build Paladin, The Immortal Warrior. at on 24/9/14