Rank: User
Joined: Feb 24th 2014, 09:06
Last Login: on 23/4/15
Popularity: 35 (Veteran)


Title Rating
Primeval ( PvP Build ) Last update on 31/7/14 195789 18
archery auramancy dps pve pvp shadowplay
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Archthious commented the Build Primeval ( PvP Build ) at on 23/2/15
Comrade commented the Build Primeval ( PvP Build ) at on 21/9/14
Draftbeer commented the Build Primeval ( PvP Build ) at on 9/9/14
Yrth commented the Build Primeval ( PvP Build ) at on 25/8/14
Tet commented the Build Primeval ( PvP Build ) at on 22/8/14
DrKuddles commented the Build Primeval ( PvP Build ) at on 7/9/14
krixxisAA commented the Build Primeval ( PvP Build ) at on 31/7/14
SimplyLeet commented the Build Primeval ( PvP Build ) at on 5/7/14
Alemain commented the Build Primeval ( PvP Build ) at on 24/5/14
Lavano91 commented the Build Primeval ( PvP Build ) at on 29/4/14
Izimzizi commented the Build Primeval ( PvP Build ) at on 29/4/14
toastertime commented the Build Primeval ( PvP Build ) at on 3/5/14
Itangast commented the Build Primeval ( PvP Build ) at on 28/4/14
sYCH0 commented the Build Primeval ( PvP Build ) at on 26/4/14
bigsengineer commented the Build Primeval ( PvP Build ) at on 21/4/14
kronos991 liked the build manolis at on 28/2/14